Since 2015, the Lord has given me a word for the year.
Over a month ago, this one came.
To be honest, I didn't like it . . . at first.
It seemed more of a step back than a focus for the coming year.
I prefer action words like arise, advance, and shine.
Who wants to just breathe?
But I’ve come to understand that "breathe" means many things.
For me, it means accepting the path God has uniquely prepared for me.
It means ceasing to wrestle with God's will.
After all, what "thing" could truly bring greater fulfillment than doing what God has created you to do?
Breathing means disallowing anything within my person or power that would hinder my devotion to God or accomplishing what God has purposed for my life.
Even when it feels uncomfortable.
Even when I would have chosen another path.
Breathe in and breathe out.
Breathing means receiving from God what I can't manufacture on my own and resting in His will with calm confidence.
Because I am His, and He is mine.
I abide.
I breathe in and breathe out the purposes of God in my world, my area of influence.
In 2023 and beyond, whatever I face, I commit to working and serving with dignity and confidence— because my identity and calling are found in Christ alone.
All in His will, in His purposes, for His pleasure and glory.
I invite you to join me in "breathing" in 2023.